Reinventing The Wheel: Mozilla Khronos, Another Standard For The 3D Web

Some news have just appeared about the new project of Mozilla: Khronos, another "open, royalty-free standard" for 3D on Internet.

UPDATE: New info: I have contacted Alan Hudson (Yumetech, and he said me that they'll be working with Khronos on this.

Khronos will be exposing openglES to ecmascript on a webpage. It's aimed for low level 3D graphics programmers, and not to world or 3D authors, like X3D.

So we're talking of different standards for different things. Good to know.

I can recommend you some external articles this project, to not bore you describing the same as others:

This new project will allow to use JavaScript (ECMAscript, to be more precise) to manipulate the 3D models and interact with the content. The 3D part will be rendered using OpenGL.

As you can see, this is not really new. It is like VRML (that also used ecmascript).

No one needs to invent another royalty-free standard for the 3D web, because it is out there already, and it's called VRML, and now X3D.

Please don't re-invent the wheel, or at least, don't make the same mistakes. Why not just use the VRML or X3D standard? Can someone explain me why?

I can see no reason to start again from the beginning. It seems to me that every 5 years someone invents a "standard" that is used by no one, instead of re-using what is already out there.

Please try to improve first, and if this is impossible, invent. But don't invent the same again and again.

I hope that Khronos doesn't make the same mistake and think in virtual worlds when they do their standard. People want 3D virtual worlds, and also games. For simple visualization, no new thing is needed.

Please don't mix again point of view and avatar, and add some collision detection. These are the the only things that are missing in VRML/X3D spec.

And again, why don't they do a new component or any other kind of extension of the X3D spec and simply provide a decent  browser plugin? Can someone understand this?

-Jordi R. Cardona-

© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.

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ctrain said...

I'm supprized! I agree that I think the X3D standard should be used. I submitted an application a few days ago to Google's Summer of Code to do just that. I hope they select the project, since it really is about time that mainstream browsers natively handle it. Heck, I don't care if someone else does it - just make it work already, it's been around for almost 15 years!

Jordi R Cardona said...

Totally agree. I think that no one can understand this. Twitter if full of messages saying the same.

Will their new standard have support for animations, multitexturing, shaders, all kind of shapes, quad meshes and triangular meshes, time sensors, vr hardware support, extension mechanisms like proto, externproto, components...?

Why don't they just do a plugin or app that follows the X3D spec instead of inventing a new standard?

Taranis said...

Maybe they just don't know VRML/X3D exists yet ... :). Just kidding !
They probably have some extra time to spend redoing things, or is it a buzz ? Or... Who knows ! :)

Jordi R Cardona said...

Hi Taranis,

You take it as a joke, but I that in fact they don't know that VRML/X3D exists at all! I think that the official organisms that try to develop X3D are not taking enough effort on promoting it amongst the big public.

Jordi R Cardona said...

New info: I have contacted Alan Hudson and he said me that they'll be working with Khronos on this.
Khronos will be exposing openglES to ecmascript on a webpage. It's aimed for low level 3D graphics programmers, and not to world or 3D authors, like X3D.

So we're talking of different standards for different things. Good to know.

Anonymous said...

Hi, can someone tell me what is missing with vrml/x3d? For now, more 3d worlds online, with chat options is what I look for:)

Jordi R Cardona said...

Hi Anonymous. You can use Vivaty, that uses X3D, and also check the Software section.

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