Total Immersion And Nissan At L.A. Auto Show

As there have been some references to Augmented Reality in the last times, I think this news release may be of interest of many of you:

LOS ANGELES ( November 26, 2008 ) - Augmented reality – among the most interactive new digital tools available to marketers, delivering unparalleled experiential engagement -- is hitting the road on its way into homes across America.

Total Immersion (, the global leader in augmented reality, today unveiled its D’Fusion@Home® software to support the introduction of the Nissan cube line at the Los Angeles Auto Show (, here through November 30. For the Nissan cube, users can experience four different “stories” about the new vehicle, exploring its features in a radically new way – all from home. Total Immersion collaborated with The Designory, a full-service and interactive marketing agency based in Long Beach , Calif. , which developed the concept and directed the execution of an augmented reality-packed pre-launch brochure for the cube.


In the automotive sector, Total Immersion also works with Peugeot, BMW and General Motors, among others. The Los Angeles Auto Show Is one of eight car shows in the country at which Total Immersion will help introduce the new Nissan offering.

D’Fusion@Home, a scaled down version of D’Fusion® Professional, is designed to be compliant with typical consumer systems and addresses mass market commercial solutions. Now, brand managers can capture their target audiences’ attention with an immersive augmented reality experience delivered right at home. Aimed squarely at the youth market, the Nissan cube – and the Total Immersion experience – offers an innovative way consumers can bond with a new brand on their own terms, in an interactive, educational yet entertaining way.

“The launch of an exciting new line like the Nissan cube is a perfect complement for the unveiling of D’Fusion@Home, which offers a singular experience in its own right,” said Bruno Uzzan, co-founder and CEO of Total Immersion. “We’re delighted that Nissan selected us for the introduction, showcasing the new cube and D’Fusion at multiple touchpoints, and providing a unique opportunity where consumers can take home the brochure and have an experience like they never have before.”

At the Los Angeles event, show visitors to the Nissan cube exhibition will receive a special Nissan cube brochure that includes the D’Fusion@Home software, along with four 6-inch x 6-inch tear-out cards. With a webcam connected to a PC, and the Nissan cube D’Fusion@Home software, the cards trigger a number of captivating (if unconventional) views of the cube.

Through the magic of Total Immersion’s augmented reality deployment, the brochure comes alive in 3D -- and through four distinct vignettes, the user controls the action every step of the way. Car configuration and exploration have never been as much fun, as users test out various exterior colors, check out the vehicle’s front console, try on a virtual shag carpet (which just happens to mimic, yes, a real option for shag), and sample other interior appointments.

And since capacity is what the cube is all about, D’Fusion@Home provides a gateway to “magic space,” opening various doors for a glimpse inside. Prepare to check out the disco, a hip lounge with a period couch and lava lamp, and, in the trunk, a refrigerator and a pizza box.


Total Immersion’s technology is ideal for digital environments that include theme parks and entertainment venues, events and tradeshows, and marketing or advertising solutions. With D’Fusion@Home, Total Immersion makes available to marketers a cross-platform approach for augmented reality experiences, tailored for mass consumer usage.


About Total Immersion

Total Immersion ( is the global leader in augmented reality. Through its patented D’FusionÃ’ technology, Total Immersion blurs the line between the virtual world and the real world by integrating real time interactive 3D graphics into a live video stream. Founded in 1999 by Bruno Uzzan and Valentin Lefevre, Total Immersion is based in France and maintains a U.S. presence in Los Angeles . Its solutions are also available through a network of resellers worldwide.

Don't forget to check their website and watch impressive videos of their technologies!

-Jordi R. Cardona-

© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.

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