List Of Virtual Worlds Meetings For 2008

This year there are some important symposiums and meetings related to Web 3D, virtual reality and virtual worlds announced. Here you are the dates, locations and details.

X Symposium Of Virtual And Augmented Reality
Location: João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil)
Days: May 13-16 (2008)
For everybody interested in VR, virtual worlds, VRML and X3D and Web3d.

"SVR (Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality) is the major conference in VR and AR in Brazil sponsored by SBC (The Brazilian Computing Society). It will cover many virtual reality topics, and VRML, X3D and related web-based technologies."

This is maybe one of the most interesting meetings this year. There are conferences, and mini courses of great value.
If you have some opportunity to go there, don't miss it. You can register in site. Check their website, all is explained there.

Virtual Worlds Expo
Location: Los Angeles, California (USA)
Days: September 3-4 (2008)
For virtual worlds business people.

"Virtual Worlds Expo is dedicated to helping businesses harness the power of virtual worlds to engage with their customers, partners and employees. Conference agenda will include consumer worlds, enterprise worlds, investment and strategy, education uses of virtual worlds, virtual law and visionary/future development."

Los Angeles at night. Photo by QuinTes.

The call for speakers is open. This is an expo thought mainly for business people from the virtual worlds sector. Symposium 2008
Location: Los Angeles, California (USA)
Days: August 9-10 (2008)
For everybody interested in virtual worlds, VRML and X3D and Web3d.

"The Web3D 2008 International Symposium will address this wide range of topics covering 3D Hypermedia on the Web. The annual Web3D Symposium is a major event, which unites researchers, developers, experimenters, and content creators in a dynamic learning environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing, or creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies, such as (but not limited to) X3D, VRML, COLLADA, Croquet, MPEG4, MPEG7, Java3D, and Canvas3D. The symposium will also focus on recent trends such as interactive 3D graphics and applications on mobile devices."

This is a major event in Web3D, organized by the Web3D Consortium. The registration was opened April 29, so now is the time to inform yourself about it and consider joining the symposium.

Location: Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California (USA)
Days: Conference: 11-15 August (Monday through Friday)
Exhibition: 12-14 August (Tuesday through Thursday)
For all the computer graphics enthusiasts and professionals.

"The SIGGRAPH conference attracts the most respected technical and creative minds, focusing on: research, science, art, animation, gaming, interactivity, education, and the web from around the globe.(...) SIGGRAPH is widely recognized as the most prestigious forum for the publication of computer graphics research. In addition to SIGGRAPH's leading-edge technical program, the conference's installations provide close-up views of the latest in digital art, emerging technologies, and hands-on opportunities for creative collaboration."

The biggest computer graphics and Web3d event in the world. It is an interesting event for everyone. There are different activities and fees, so you can join those that you like best.

It will also host the world computer animation festival (FJORG!).

Virtual Worlds London
Location: London (England)
Days: October 20-21 (2008)
For virtual worlds business people.

"Virtual Worlds London the leading event for businesses seeking to understand and maximize business strategies within virtual worlds. Virtual Worlds London is produced by Virtual Worlds Management (VWM), the leading virtual worlds trade media company."

This meeting is focused to business people that are interested in virtual worlds as a business.
In 2009 this meeting will take place in New York (USA), on the Spring.

ACM Solid And Physical Modeling Symposium
Location: Stony Brook University, New York (USA)
Days: June 2-4 (2008)
For academic scientific people.

This series of conferences and courses instruct about modeling for physics and scientific modeling.


Indeed the success of virtual world owes part of its credit to successful pay-per-click. Not the website design and definitely not the domain name, if it was not for webhosting growth and the advent of dsl, we would still have been in the dark ages of the web.

-Jordi R. Cardona-

© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.

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Alain said...

thanx for the news .
We have a friend in L.A. now , I will ask him to "report"

Jordi R Cardona said...

That's great Alain. In LA there are 2 major events, the SIGGRAPH and the Web3d Symposium.

The Symposium Of Virtual And Augmented Reality of Brazil is also a very great event, related to VRML and X3D, that I will try to follow closer in the future.

All these symposiums tend to have place in different places through the world each year.

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