Twitter Is Burning With VRML And O3D

The new O3D platform that Google is building is being profusely mentioned on Twitter, and so is VRML. There's a lot of talking about the two.

And our initiative to ask VRML and X3D support in O3D is going well. In this moment, there are 29 votes against 13.

And other initiatives asking VRML or X3D support are also in the top: 17 against 5 and 15 againts 4.

Here are some things that people are saying:

 TheRealTester: @pphaneuf : Re-inventing VRML 10 years later?
Wednesday, April 22nd at 02:32:20

alazoral: Google has made its own VRML. I feel like history is reversing. How about you?
Wednesday, April 22nd at 02:45:56

geekscape: @mpesce I bet this takes you back to the good old VRML days ! Google's O3D plug-in for Google Chrome
Wednesday, April 22nd at 01:48:57
PINTSD: Playing with Google's o3d with this, Canvas3D and JS for everything-starting to think VRML is about to resurface
Wednesday, April 22nd at 01:18:54

 llagerlof: Google desenvolve tecnologia que permite criar ambientes 3D no navegador. (e o VRML??) #google #3d
Wednesday, April 22nd at 00:21:42

MrShlee: @mpesce VRML goes web 2.0?
Wednesday, April 22nd at 00:48:24

 agrogator: ElReg~ Google wants a 3D internet: VRML 2: electric Googaloo One of the most heavily-flogged dead horses
Wednesday, April 22nd at 00:25:57

 voxmachina: VRML is back...with another name...this time its called srry O3D..........o.O
Tuesday, April 21st at 23:55:05

 xgavin: wait a minute, google isn't endorsing VRML? you're saying it is yet another 3D web standard?
Tuesday, April 21st at 20:23:16

 dpjanes: @brycej funny I hear VRML is still being updated in Internet Explorer (?). O3D doesn't tempt me yet to abandon pages of nicely formatted txt
Tuesday, April 21st at 21:06:35

 martinkl: @afternoon Looking at O3D I get this 1990s VRML flash-back... the difference is that today's hardware can do more than 3 frames/sec ;-)
Tuesday, April 21st at 20:12:47

 jimpick: @mcantelon Same as VRML? Maybe I'm just old.
Tuesday, April 21st at 19:08:02


 kevindente: @OdeToCode - VRML 3.0?
Tuesday, April 21st at 19:02:26


 rschu: Looks nice. 3D gfx in the browser- > RT @PrometheusFire: yay, VRML! Oh, wait, it's called O3D now?
Tuesday, April 21st at 18:58:52

 viveka: @mpesce can we do vrml-on-O3D? Or maybe O3D can learn some goddamn encapsulation?
Wednesday, April 22nd at 07:37:28

 rcarmo: @celso It's VRML all over again, but shiny.
Wednesday, April 22nd at 07:03:19


And as you know, Mark Pesce, that is the co-inventor of VRML and an awesome intellectual, has replied:

 mpesce: @wolfcat I was perfectly happy not-going-on-about-VRML until everyone shoved O3D in my face today. Hence, I will weigh in with my opinionz.
Wednesday, April 22nd at 07:42:13

 mpesce: @viveka Possibly someone can build a VRML scene graph parser-and-translator to O3D. Then we'd have VRML on OSX. Final-fucking-ly. Grr.
Wednesday, April 22nd at 07:39:16

 mpesce: The amount of JS needed for a Phong-shaded sphere under O3D is stunning. And ridiculous. In VRML, 4 lines. In O3D, closer to 400. Eeep.
Wednesday, April 22nd at 07:32:47

The answer marked in red speaks for itself.

-Jordi R. Cardona-

© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.

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