Now you've got a new group at Koinup in which you can submit your machinima videos to be featured at our website. Join and recommend any machinima video you like, let it be yours or just your favorites.
You can submit as many videos as you like, and the best ones will be picked each week and will appear on our "Koinup's Machinima Of The Week" section, giving you additional exposure and prestige as director.
If you don't make machinima videos but you like them, you can also join and recommend your favorites, thus encouraging the work of your preferred directors.
The group is called "Hiperia3D's Machinima Selections", and can be accessed through Koinup at:
For those media interested, here you are the press release of this news:
Associated Press Release
Its aim is to promote the works of machinima directors. Every week, a new machinima video will be featured, based on the suggestions of the members of this group. Everyone can join and suggest their own videos, or their favorite ones. Hiperia3D's administrator will pick one to be showcased, giving their creators additional exposure.
"This is an initiative to benefit the popularity of this art", says Jordi R. Cardona, administrator of Hiperia3D News, "that often reaches a outstanding level of quality, and is carefully designed by directors that surprise us with extraordinary pieces of art".
The group can be accessed through Koinup at:
About Hiperia3D News
Being one the main sites to be informed on what's happening on the metaverse, Hiperia3D News covers all kind of information and activity that is related to 3D and virtual worlds, 3D software and hardware, 3D worldbuilding, resources for scenery creation, artistic inspiration for worldbuilders, X3D, VRML, and showcases of virtual reality artworks.
Hiperia3D News ( is a Netbeans Community Partner, a Koinup Media Partner, and member of the Association of Virtual Worlds. Having a well respected position in the universe of 3D and virtual worlds, has interviewed many personalities and CEOs of related businesses, associations and software projects.
© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.
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