Packt Publishing has a new title about Unity, about how to build 3D games of all kinds: “Unity 3D Game Development by Example. Beginner’s Guide”.
This book will be reviewed soon here at Hiperia3D News, but if you want to get it now, I can tell you it looks good, and you can get it at Packt Publishing.
This is what you will learn from this book :
* Find out how people are using the amazing new Unity 3D game engine
* Develop and customize four fun game projects, including a frantic race through hospital hallways with a still-beating human heart and a catch game with a jilted lover that morphs into a space shooter!
* Create both 2D and 3D games using free software and supplied artwork
* Add motion, gravity, collisions, and animation to your game objects using Unity 3D's built-in systems
* Learn how to use code to control your game objects
* Create particle systems like shattering glass, sparks, and explosions
* Add sound effects to make your games more exciting
* Create static and animated backdrops using multiple cameras
* Build crucial elements you'll use again and again, like timers, status bars, title screens, win/lose conditions, and buttons to link game screens together
* Deploy your games to the Web to share them with friends, family, and adoring fans
* Discover the difference between game skins and mechanics, to earn more money from your games
You can read a sample chapter here.
There is also an offer to get the 2 books of Packt about Unity. Look at the book’s page at Packt Publishing.
© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.
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