Christmas Gift: Hiperia3D's Productivity Add-ons For Firefox

Here's my Christmas gift for you, a collection of Firefox Add-ons that I use in my daily work. They are all tested and work together (are compatible) in Firefox 3.5.
Hiperia3D News has proven to have a very loyal and highly qualified readership, and I know that the best way to keep this and improve is to give you what you need.
These are add-ons that will boost your productivity and make more things in less time. Recommended for power users, Internet geeks, and any advanced user, journalists, bloggers or just any computer users.

When I have more time, I will post an in depth description of them and suggest some ways to add their buttons to your browser. For now, here's a screenshot of my browser, that looks like a submarine with all these buttons.

Click on this image to go to Flickr and see it bigger (you can download it too):

I know by my internet tools that many of you are experienced computer users, love technology, high tech hardware, and I suppose that many of you move into the Web as a fish in the water. You are all skilled computer users, so you will surely value these add-ons.
I wish you all happy holidays and that you enjoy using this collection:

Hiperia3D's Productivity Add-ons

-Jordi R. Cardona-

© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.

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