Music for your web page, commercial or personal project, and virtual world, for free, as long as you recognize the authorship.
You may have noticed that there are some minor changes in our sidebar and articles. One of them is the addition of a text that says "Listen to Ehma music while you read" just below the categories that are shown under the title.
That text link opens a Jamendo music player that plays an album (15 court-metrages) by Ehma, the artistic name of the compositor Emmanuel Codden, who releases his works under Creative Commons License for commercial or personal usage.
There are many authors in Jamendo. Most of them release their music under CC license for personal use, and others also for commercial use.
If the CC license doesn't allow commercial use, you, as user, can copy these albums for free, download them, distribute them... and if you're a musician, make your own versions. The only requirement is that you recognize the author linking to them, or showing them in some way.
If the CC allows commercial use, you may incorporate these musics in your commercial products, videos, presentations, etc., as long as you recognize the author in a visible way.
Another use of this resource offered by Jamendo is to use these music as background soundtrack for your virtual worlds or for virtual jukeboxes. Just be sure to add a link to the Jamendo profiles or web pages of the musicians, and a sign or notice somewhere that shows that they're the authors.
© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.
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There is some good music over at jamendo.
Yes I specially like Ehma and Tom Fahy.
trés belle musique ...
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