Vote For X3DV Module Suite In SourceForge

All the opensource projects in SourceForge can be nominated for awards in different categories. It's time to nominate your favorite ones.

To nominate a project you'll need an account in SourceForge, but you can create one quickly using your OpenID:
Look on the right and you'll see that if you have an OpenID or an account on Yahoo, Blogger, LiveJournal or AIM, you can use it to vote.

Then, you can go to the page and search for projects to nominate. Another option is to visit their page at SourceForge and click the button for nominating them.

The projects with more nominations will later be selected for being voted by all the users.

The winners will receive a trophy of a robot. It's an award mostly for reputation.

Why don't you vote for the X3DV Module Suite? Just login in SourceForge and click this button:

You can vote each project you like in more than one category. For the X3DV Module Suite, you can vote it in "Best Project", and " Best Tool or Utility for Developers".

Thank you, and remember to nominate all opensource projects you like!

-Jordi R. Cardona-

© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.

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