Association Of Virtual Worlds

It was only some months ago that the Association of Virtual Worlds (AVW) was born,an now it has more than 1500 members. What is the reason of this? Because they've filled a real need for virtual worlds: a place in which to collaborate, associate and share strategies.

Virtual worlds have become a familiar notion for all humanity since the success of Second Life, although there were many of them before, like Cybertown, ActiveWolrds and Travellers Network.
But in the latest times, the buzz that SL created has make many industries, businesses and individuals pay special attention to virtual worlds.

There are many different technologies for virtual worlds, though. And many different purposes, publics, etc.
Some of them share a technology (for example, VRML/X3D), or public (teens and kids, for example).

Wouldn't it be good that they had a place to work together?
And what if someone could help them to get the necessary skills, publicity, etc?
Or expand the interest of people for virtual worlds?

"Paper Verse 1", by SideLong.

Well, AVW was created for that. And not only for virtual worlds platforms, but also for anything related sites that promote virtual worlds and technologies, like Hiperia3D News.

It's leaders are Edita Kaye, who was its founder, and Dave Elchoness, its Executive Director. Both are very experienced people in virtual worlds and media.

The AVW has 2 websites. One is their main domain:

The other is their community website, which has an intense activity, and is hosted at Ning:

If you join the Association Of Virtual Worlds, don't forget to add Hiperia3D as a friend. Our profile page:

Here follows a list of the last news from the AVW:

Person of the Year Award

This is an award that will be given to the person that has made the most extraordinary contribution to virtual worlds in 2008. The election of this award will be done by the AVW members, so start thinking in the candidates. Soon, they will open the nominations.

Global Ambassadors Program

A Global Ambassador of the Association of Virtual Worlds is one of a group of people that will represent the AVW in their region of the physical world.

Be an Ambassador of the AVW. Photo by Torley.

As an Ambassador, you will talk about the AVW with the people at your physical location, invite people to join the AVW, inform the AVW about opportunities in media, events, sponsorships, ect to spread the AVW existence in your country. Note that here we are talking about local ambassadors.

The Global Ambassadors also post news about virtual worlds on their locations and blog about them.
He/She will also serve as a local contact for AVW members in his country/area.


"The Blue Book: A Consumer Guide to Virtual Worlds" is one of their first titles. Available in PDF for printing, list over 250 virtual worlds and is free to download. All the virtual worlds are listed alphabetically and include website url and brief description. It also gives you important data like if it's active or in development, whether is appropiate for teens and kids or adults, or its type (MMORPG, social virtual wolrd, social network...).
If you are a virtual worlds explorer, this is your book to get a quick view of most of them all.

Soon they'll publish "The Green Book: A Business Guide to Virtual Worlds", also available for free. This will be another different approach. It will be useful for businesses.

All the AVW books can be downloaded from this url:

Virtual Worlds Day

August 20 will be the day that the AVW has chosen as the Virtual Worlds Day. In that day, all of us will try to bring virtual worlds to the attention of the public.
More info on this subject will be posted soon. But in the meanwhile, I will add it to our Calendar.
Don't forget it: it's, after all, our day.

There's a world day for us. Photo by Cyrus Khamak.

Let's Collaborate. Follow Hiperia3D in AVW

You may have noticed that here in Hiperia3D News the AVW badge is displayed in the sidebar, with a link to our profile.

If you join the Association Of Virtual Worlds, don't forget to add Hiperia3D as a friend. Our profile page:

Joining is free (FOR NOW!), and it's good for you if you have a site or project about 3D worlds, virtual worlds, or VW news, resources, etc, or if you are a worldbuilder.

-Jordi R. Cardona-

© by Jordi R. Cardona. Link to this post without copying the text.

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Anonymous said...

very intresting , thanx for the news

I will explore all that

Jordi R Cardona said...

I will try to collaborate closely with the AVW and any other web3d network, as I'm doing with MixED. I think that in the last times many web3d networks are emerging and if we all unite, it will be good for us all.
And AVW is a very important one. I like their vision and the way they are focusing this topic.

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