Pilar (Llara) Lozano Santos (a.k.a the artistic name Juniae) was born and lives in Oviedo (Asturias), in northern Spain. She has a Degree in Law from the University of Oviedo, and has worked as an Attorney for ten years. Currently, she's working as Solicitor of the Courts-Huissier de Justice. She is divorced and has an eleven years old son.
"Three years ago my ophthalmologist diagnosed me with Macular Degeneration and since then my life ... keeps changing", says Llara, and this was what lead her to digital arts. She creates 3D fractal art with Incendia and Apophysis, and also scenes of nature using Vue.
I met the art of Juniae through DeviantArt, and soon I was impressed by the extreme magnificence of her fractal architectures, the immersive universes of her imagination, the fantasy of a magic cosmos that comes from the mind of an artist who perceives space as the prime matter for unlimited possible worlds.
Take some time watching her art, spend some minutes with every artwork. Look at every small detail, and imagine the stories of inhabitants of her worlds. This is the art of someone who can open a window in front of your eyes to look at the world of art in a different way.
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- In your own words, how would you explain what your artistic discipline is?
- Inside Digital Art, there are many disciplines, among which is the art with fractals: Fractals are iterations (repetitions) of an algorithmic base. In short, mathematics, through fractals, draw Nature and give us the ability to create art and beauty.
- What made you start making your art?
- I have always drawn: on paper and charcoal, on canvas and oil. Some time ago my ophthalmologist diagnosed me with Macular Degeneration and I've been ,gradually, suffering sub-retinal hemorrhage , surgery, treatment with Laser, which made me lose almost all central vision in my eyes. I didn't want to give up and stop drawing, so I looked for alternative ways, with my computer. So .. I got to the Digital Arts.
“Sending strenght to Nihon”
- What skills do you think are more important for becoming an artist in your field?
- From my point of view, the ability to imagine is very important. The patience, skill and hard work are also important. But I believe that imagination is the basic tool for an artist. I think "the dreamers" are who most often change the world and all its disciplines.
- What are your sources of inspiration (favorite artists and/or things that inspire you)?
- I'm inspired by things around me every day, and my desires and dreams. In short, all the things I see and would like to see.
- Which is the artwork that you consider your masterpiece, and why?
- It's difficult to choose for me: either , better or worse, our works are all "children of our imagination, " and those who have children know that they are unable to choose between them, because they love them all equally. So if I have to choose, maybe ... "Abadia"; because is my first job awarded with a "Daily Deviation", and worked a lot around it, with a lot of love.
- Is there some advice you may give to someone beginning in what you do?
- Only: Have patience and work. And get used to define each project on the screen because, often, behind a cloud of pixels without form, is the best Art-work in your life. Play with camera, light and fog, because the result is always different.
- What are your future goals in the artistic scope?
- I'm satisfied with just keeping my eyes and imagination enough to continue working with fractals and providing a moment of joy
to those who like digital art. And I would like to continue participating in international aid projects, donating my work for humanitarian causes.
- What else do you enjoy doing when you're not making your amazing art pieces?
- I love reading, but now I can't read on paper, so I'm doing it on my computer. I love spending time looking at the work of other artists, both digital and other branches of art, because there are many people with an incredible talent. And study, on my own, CSS, HTML and Java. When I can, I escape to the beach, for diving, and climbing all the rocks in the pier.
- Anything else, as final words, that you wish to share with our readers?
- As I said in one of my previous answers, I think the imagination can do everything. In our imagination we can create a better world than we have and enable the force is large enough to break through the barriers and struggle to make dreams real. I think Art is the first step, because the sensitivity to beauty brings the desire to reconcile with the World and Humanity. And ... Never say "This is hard, so I can't ", 'Cause You Can Get Anything If You Try!.