Lately, I have read recent articles about applications of augmented reality that are rather practical and useful for real life. Worth a visit and reading, these articles are really descriptive and contain videos:
Augmented Reality
Book Review: "Blender 3D 2.49 Architecture, Buildings, and Scenery", by Allan Brito
Blender is one of the most popular open source and free 3D creation suites.
Many professionals use Blender in their daily work, for architecture, movies, or 3D modeling and animation in general.
Blender is a very powerful tool that can give you professional results with no cost. But learning how to use it is not easy for everyone.
This book, "Blender 2.49 3D Architecture, Buildings, and Scenery", by Allan Brito, comes to solve this problem.
Written in understandable language, makes using Blender simple and easy.
Albeit the author tells us that this is not an introductory book to Blender, the fact is that someone that is not familiarized with it at all can read the book, follow what it says and end being a skilled modeler.
Modeling inorganic shapes is an excellent way to master 3D modeling. And this book can give you all the keys for doing it as a professional.
Its author is Allan Brito, a Brazilian architect specialized in information visualization that works with Blender to produce visualization and instructional material.
He teaches 3D modeling, animation and multimedia at Mauricio De Nassau College (Brazil).
This is a book that can be valuable for architects, game designers, 3D artists, and movie makers. But also for every 3D fan that wants to model, animate and render interiors, buildings, furniture, and much more.
It covers everything from modeling objects, cameras, exporting, optimizing, post-production retouch with the GIMP, lightning, texturing and materials, adding virtual humans to scenes and other objects to increase realism, developing your own libraries to work faster, use YafaRay to render photorealistic images of your works, animation, video-tours...
All this is teach through 14 chapters. Chapters 1-5 tell you how to build your own 3D models. You will learn how to use very specialized modeling tools that Blender has, like Loop Subdivide or Remove Doubles. Also, you'll master the proportional and precise editing of architectural models, even how to create curved walls on building interiors.
Chapter 6 tells how to add furniture models, giving you some Internet addresses where you can get reference images to use.
In chapters 7 and 8 you can learn how to apply materials and textures. There's even explanations on how to create glass material, and self-illumination.
Chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12 deal with rendering and lighting, teaching you things like UV mapping (attach a texture to particular portions of a 3D mesh), volumetric shadows, and radiosity.
Number 13 is about how to use camera and create animation and videos.
Finally, chapter 14 is a quick guide to post-production retouch of your rendered images in GIMP, the free image editor.
In addition, the publisher -Packt Publishing- pays a royalty to Blender project, so buying a book from Packt Publishing you are indirectly supporting the open source project of that book (in this case, Blender). This way, you help the developers by helping yourself.
There are two kinds of people that may find this book useful: the skilled user that wants to get the most of Blender when modeling architecture scenes, and the user that wants to start using Blender but also wants to reach a high level on these skills.
In both cases, this is a complete book that has all that you need.
Check it here:
Engage! Expo 2009 Announced
Virtual Worlds Conference is now known as Engage! Expo. The call for speakers is now open.
Check all the related info here.
Gore Suntzu Exhibition In Chakryn Forest
I discovered through Second Arts that Gore Suntzu is going to make an exhibition of beautiful shapes and effects in Chakryn Forest, which is one of the most beautiful natural landscape scenarios of Second Life.
It will be from October 23 to November 16, 2008. Here's the slideshow of his work:
Here you are a video of Chakryn Forest, to give you an idea of its beauty, if you have not been there before:
News: Lord British In Space, David Perry, Settings For SL Flight, AvatArt...
David Perry And Games
You should read this post at Myrl, that will lead you to a brilliant presentation delivered by the game designer David Perry (Earthworm Jim, MDK, Messiah).
Lord British Goes To Space
Richard Garriott, the creator of Ultima (the longest running RPG series, and a legend in the games universe) and Tabula Rasa, has followed his father’s footsteps and has launched aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station. He has returned to Earth yesterday.
Also known as Lord British in his Ultima world, Richard Garriott is a fearless adventurer, a man able to accomplish the most daring and strange adventures, both in business and life. The fans of his role playing games can be proud of him.
Don't miss his site about this fantastic journey into space and watch the videos and pics:

Potential Users Of Virtual Worlds And Virtual Worlds Logos
Kzero has published an study of users of virtual worlds of ages from 15 to 25, that are considered a potential public that is growing, and also users on Europe, that are each day more. You may also find interesting their virtual worlds logos collage; it may inspire you, if you are a designer, to make logos for this kind of companies, or if you are a business owner, to think if yours is competitive with these.
Lucy Avatar For Seamless3D Released
A new female avatar for Seamless3D is released. Her name is Lucy, and Thyme encourages anyone to change her and make her your own. See it here: Lucy avatar.
Maximize Second Life Settings For Flight
Zoe Connolly (cheerleader for Aviation in Second Life, Marshal of the Royal Caledon Air Force and Owner/Leader of the Second Life Bloggers Group) has posted a new video, that illustrates how to configure SL settings for flight. Remember to check her YouTube channel and subscribe for future updates.
Koinup announces a new initiative that seems to consist in encouraging avatars as a new form of artistic expression. This initiative is called AvatArt.
Second Life Adds Immersive Workspaces
Second Life will incorporate immersive workspaces. This is a new trend in the virtual worlds market. You may have seen other similar services. Your workplace can be now incorporated to virtual worlds.
Halloween Party At Vivaty
You would not like to miss the Halloween party at Vivaty this weekend. Recently, Vivaty has added many Halloween content for this celebration and other horror-themed meetings.
The social scene where you can meet with your Vivaty friends is called Halloween Spooktacular, and is filled with fog, tombs, fireflies, and Halloween YouTube videos.
Parties are at 2 pm PST (5pm EST, 10pm UK, and 11pm in Germany, France & Italy) on October 25 and 26, but will be open all time this weekend.
To convert these times to your, use this time conversion tool.
What Is A Subscription? What Is A Feed?
A subscription is a FREE service to keep you updated. And, simplifying, a feed is a file that updates when something new is added to a website.
These files tell you about things like: new posts in a blog, new photos on Flickr, new videos uploaded to YouTube...
In the case of Hiperia3D News, you can subscribe by RSS Feed or by email for free, and when a new article is posted, you will know it because you will receive an email (if you subscribe by email) or will read the new headers if you use a feed reader application.
Feeds can be loaded and read in different ways:
- Through web pages like iGoogle, MyYahoo, Netvives...
- Through standalone applications like RSSOwl and others that are called "feed readers".
- Through many other ways (browser plugins, etc).
RSSOwl uses Java, so it can be run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. I have tested many other applications, and this is the best.
When you read the new headers of news in RSSOwl or your favorite feed reader, just click or double-click the headers and you'll be taken to our website so you can read the articles.
The other way to subscribe is by email. You'll receive an email each time a new article is posted.
All types of subscriptions are free, and allow to stay always tuned.
Now that you know what it is, subscribe to Hiperia3D News in your feed reader for free.
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Interview: Bernd Heilenz (Erny), Awesome VRML Worldbuilder
Ferdinand Heilenz, widely known as Erny, is one of my favorite VRML worldbuilders, and one of the best worldbuilders out there.
It is unusual that one person combines artistic taste with technical dexterity. Maybe they are governed by different regions of our brain. But Erny is a complete worldbuilder that has both skills.
In this interview we will see the work, thoughts and experiences that are behind his art. Don't forget to visit his website, and his worlds (listed on the right of his home page. Make sure you have a VRML plugin installed):
- How and why did you started to build worlds in VRML?
-My first experiences in web-based 3D environments were made with Adobe Atmosphere. When Adobe discontinued their development on December 2004, I converted my knowledge by rebuilding some of my worlds with VRML. I chose VRML because it's a well structured text based free standard and easy to learn. I can build complex meshes and export them directly from my favorite 3D application. To add interactivity and animations I can use JavaScript. And finally there was a free, register-less and logo-less plugin, even with chat server, and nice people on it.
- What did you like most of building worlds with Adobe Atmosphere?
- I met Atmosphere in its beta stage. So its builder application was beta too. But there was a way to import Viewpoint 3D objects. With the free Viewpoint builder application I could import Lightwave objects. And I could export Lightwave objects from my 3D application. You see - my life is a lot easier since I build with VRML.
- Do you miss some feature of Atmosphere that is not present in VRML?
- Sure! Atmosphere was a newer development and more powerful than VRML. What I love in virtual realities is realism. One big advantage of Atmosphere was the build-in texture shadow renderer which had radiosity. This increased the realistic look enormously. Another great feature was the physics engine for object collision detection, or for on inertia and gravity-based physical behavior of objects.
- Was it hard for you to adapt yourself to work with a different building platform?
- In view of the energy and patience I invested to learn the Atmosphere technology it was hard to realize that Atmosphere was dead. Good that much knowledge in web3D is generic and transferable. I was happy to find an easy and nevertheless powerful alternative in VRML. But I also know VRML will not be the last technology I need to learn.

- What was your first VRML world?
- My first VRML world was one of my last Atmosphere worlds "Volcano Island". So I just need to export the already built scene as a VRML environment, adding a short sky rotating script and learn how to embed it in a web page from Thyme's example. I did the same with "Krautgrill" and "Cave Island". My first pure VRML world is "The Tarn". There I try the possibilities of VRML to create a more realistic water surface.
- Is VRML dead?
- The many visits in my worlds last year let me believe VRML isn't dead. But it's sure on the red list. The question of dead or alive is a question of a free available plugin (without a flying logo!). Long live to Blaxxun!
From technical view - VRML is THE dinosaur of web3D and its development is completed. It's now on the builders' inspiration to exploit its full potential. Future technologies will have realtime shadowing effects, reflections and transparencies with angle of refraction, more realistic effects... But as VRML was ahead of its times, such technologies are on it currently. Current standard computers are still too weak to calculate such features in realtime only with a small browser plugin. I am curious about the new cloud render technology of LivePlace.
- What are your thoughts about X3D?
- I still have no experience in X3D. And I am not sure if I will use it.
The big advantage of VRML is its small scale. Quickly, you know every node fully. With increasing possibilities, the complexity also increases, so you need tools to handle that technology.
Every 3D builder prefers his own favorite application, so it's a matter of the X3D export possibilities. The next generation of my favorite 3D application decided to support COLLADA, but still not X3D.
Also very important for a technology is an available browser plugin without any restrictions. I think there is a good chance for the combination of COLLADA and Flash. Perhaps still not for big world environments, because of the missing hardware acceleration, but for sure great for simple objects which you can place the same way you already place Flash contents on your web page. THE big advantage of Flash is that almost everybody already has this plugin.

- How much time do you usually need to build one of your worlds?
- This is very variable. The Tarn was a one-day job, Volcano Island a week, Cave Island 3 weeks, The Dom Wetzlar 3 month and for Tiland I needed almost a year.
- What is the world of which you feel more proud or satisfied?
- I think this depends on the work I invested. So the first is Tiland, closely followed by the Dom Wetzlar, which has more tangible atmosphere.
- What makes Tiland special?
- Tiland is just the "effect". The "cause" is a system in the background that I called MAP-System. It's the administration tool of Tiland, with which you can place the tiles of Tiland on a grid of 25 x 25 areas. The MAP-System is also made to bring a 2D community structure into one 3D world. It can be connected to any community platform. Every community member then has their own "bell sign" in the world with a link to his own private sub-world or web page. For this and other features, it took 10 month to build Tiland.
- Tiland is a world without borders, like a micro-planet. How is this achieved?
- Tiland is theoretical endless up to the end of the VRML space. Its real size currently is 6,25 x 6,25 km (3.8 x 3.8 miles). If you leave this area you will only find water (... up to the end of the VRML space).
When the visitor enters the world, a first area of 3 x 3 tiles is loaded, where the visitor is always on the center tile. If you move, the tile row behind you disappears, and a new row will load in front of you. The sense of this is to be able to visit a world of any size, with not need to load all the content first. So the start scene of Tiland is only 1.46 MB. Also, to reduce the count of polygons tiles which are far away, that are unloaded or hidden.
- Is Tiland a real place or it's imagined?
- Tiland is imagined. But the sense of Tiland was to find people who build and add their own tile. This is very easy because a tile is just a VRML-file with a size of 250 x 250 m regardless of its content. And it can be hosted on the builders own server so that the builder keeps the direct and exclusive access. There is space for 625 such places but currently only 4 are used.
- What did encourage you to build your Matrix of Worlds?
- It is obvious that I was inspired by the Matrix movies, and I already had a list of worlds on my web page. It´s just a 3D entry to the matrix of VRML worlds that all the people have built, and I was inspired in the design of the matrix front-end from the movies.

- What do you think is harder: the technical part of worldbuilding (scripts, geometry, planing) or the artistic (designing, coloring, texturing)?
- I think it's harder to fill a world. You need much patience to build all the details without loosing sight of its data size and count of polygons, to keep a good performance in the year 2008.
- Your worlds have hidden spaces, subterranean, small details that the user must find... why do you include these kind of things?
- Details make a world interesting. I can publish a world that the visitor can explore and enjoy. Much better if he can explore it even more when he visits it again. I am also interested in what more people see as the sense of web3D -entertainment. And to show a rotating Hello-World-Cube has no entertainment.
- We can also notice the taste for open spaces, without limits... why do you choose this kind of sceneries?
- I just try to bring some reality into the virtual, and reality has no limits too. I like when it's not easy for the visitor to view the "backstage".
- Are you active in other virtual worlds platforms as a worldbuilder or developer?
- No. I am currently happy with VRML. But I keep the eyes open for the future of free web3D standards.
- What are your future projects?
- I have two open projects in moment. The first is a space station called "Solaris", in memory of Stanilaw Lem (Science-Fiction author - 1921-2003). Here I need to fill the scene with more details.
The second is a sailing trainer. It's based on a real lake in Germany. You can sit in a small sailboat gliding over the water. The real behavior of the boat is simulated depending on wind speed, sailor, sailor and rudder position. I already built it for Adobe Atmosphere and now I need to transfer it to VRML.
All of the images in this post are from Erny's VRML worlds, that you can visit using a VRML plugin and clicking the links in the texts behind the photos.
Second Life Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet
This is a cheatsheet that contains the most used keyboard shortcuts in Second Life.
Download it clicking the image or through this link:

Use the PDF file for a high quality print, and to have the cheatsheet in paper.
The packet also includes a gif in low resolution and a gif in high resolution. You can use them to view the shortcuts in your PC (maybe adding a shortcut on the desktop).
Don't forget to follow the Second Life Quickstart Guide, if you are new to Second Life. 8b3g4e9n5w1z0
Terms Of Use
You can copy it, upload it to your site, distribute it, and add to any book or documentation (wikis too), and do what you like with it, as long as you:
* Don't modify it
* Don't remove the url, logos, name or copyright notice of Hiperia3D News
* Don't claim it as your own
Second Life Quickstart Guide
This guide to teach you the basics of Second Life use. As a quickstart guide, it has a very spartan format. I don't try to teach everything, but provide a fast way to start visiting virtual worlds and converse with people in them.
What you should have already done
If you are going to use this guide, it is supposed that you already created an account in Second Life. If you didn't, go to join Second Life.
If you join Second Life, you must choose a surname for your avatar. If none of them satisfies you, I recommend you to come back later, and try to see if some others are available, as they constantly change.
Your avatar can also be customized, and there are tutorials and resources to have a customized avatar. But the basic avatars that you're given for free when you register are a little difficult to customize. So choose that one that is more similar to your desired appearance.
How To Move
Avatars in Second Life can walk, run and fly. Here are the basic keys for all that movement modes:
Arrow Keys -- Move your avatar. Also with W,S, A, D
Up Arrow -- Move forward. Tap twice and hold to run
Down Arrow -- Move backwards. Tap twice and hold to flee running
Ctrl+R -- Run mode. Click Ctrl+R again to walk
Page Up -- Hold to fly up. Tap once to jump
Page Down -- Hold to fly down. If near to the ground, land or duck
Home -- When flying, free fall. When standing on the ground, levitate
How To Move The Camera
The camera is where you look. The most easy way to control the camera is through the menu View/Camera Controls, and use the floating window that appears, in addition to these keys.
Another way is to move using the arrow keys, and when you arrive somewhere, use the 1st person view (mouselook, M key) to look where you want and take a snapshot, for example.
Alt-Arrow keys -- Rotate the camera, and zoom in/out
Ctrl-Alt-Arrow keys -- Pan up and down and rotate camera.
Ctrl-8 -- Increase field of view (wider view)
Ctrl-9 -- Resets field of view
Ctrl-0 -- Decrease field of view (narrow view, looks like a zoom)
M -- Toggle 1st person view. Use mouse to look. Move with Arrow Keys
Esc -- Reset view
Alt-Enter -- Toggle full screen on/off
How To Make A Screen Capture
You can save what you see in the screen, for example to upload it to Flickr, or save it in your hard drive as a virtual photo. You can also upload it to your Second Life account (it costs 10 Linden dollars).
The fastest way to take a series of screenshots is to configure the size and options through the dialog displayed when you press Ctrl-Shift-S, and then use the fast capture to hard drive. With that, you just move, frame the picture, and then press Ctrl-` each time you want to save a screenshot.
You can control the time of the day in Second Life. That way, if it's at night or noon, you can turn it to be a sunset just pressing a key.
If the movement with mouselook (1st person view) is too rough, you can use Ctrl-P to show the Preferences, and in the top second tab, adjust the mouse sensitivity to something lesser. If you're using a graphics tablet, you may want to set it to minimum. The left click in this mode keeps the looking point still, and may be needed (specially with graphics tablets) to take a snapshot to disc, using Ctrl-`.
When you capture a screenshot in Second Life, all the interface elements (menus, controls, HUDs) are hidden, unless you specify it in the screen capture options.
Ctrl-Shift-S -- Screen capture with options
Ctrl-` -- Fast screen capture to hard drive
Ctrl-shift-Y -- Change to noon.
Ctrl-shift-N -- Change to sunset
How To Chat
To add a friend, you can just open the Communicate/Friends dialog by pressing Ctrl-Shift-F and then use the button "Add" to look for your friends whose SL name you already know. Other way is to use the Search dialog, pressing Ctrl-F and the People tab, that may be better to meet new people.
You can chat to friends or send them messages, which is done through the Friends dialog. The chat is heard on a 20 meters radius, and the other mode is shout, which is heard on a 100 meters radius.
Your avatar has gestures. You can play them with the Gestures dialog (Ctrl+G) or using the special text show in that same dialog.
Just press Intro to start talking, and Esc to close the chat window. You will see other people's chat text appear in the screen and vanish after some seconds. Pressing Ctrl-H you will get a floating chat window.
Intro -- Show chat bar
Esc -- Hide chat bar
Ctrl-H -- Show floating chat window
Ctrl-Shift-F -- Friends window
Ctrl-G -- Gestures window

How To Teleport
To search places to visit, just use the Search dialog (Press Ctrl-F). There are tabs for searching people, places and many more. Type something in the search box and select a place. You can then read its description, and pressing the "Teleport" button, go there.
There are "Teleport" buttons in other dialogs, like in the Map. The big Map can give you lots of information about where you are. For seeing the map as you move, the mini-map is more practical (Ctrl-Shift-M). There is also a Landmarks drop down menu to teleport yourself to your saved places (explained below).
Friends dialog has also a "Teleport" button that will take you where your friends are, if they're online.
Another way to move is establish a landmark where you are. This is like an hyperlink inside Second Life. These landmarks are stored in your Inventory (that is like a giant bag where you can store objects and more ethereal things like this). To create a landmark just use the menu World/Create Landmark Here. Then, open the inventory with Ctrl-I and you'll see your Landmarks listed there in a folder. Right-click and select Teleport, or double click and press the Teleport button.
In Internet, many times you'll find something called SLURL. A SLURL is a link to a location inside Second Life. When you click one of them for first time, just tell your web browser to always open them in the Second Life client software.
Ctrl-M -- Map of the world. Green points are people
Ctrl-shift-M -- Floating mini-map of the world. Green points are people
Ctrl-F -- Search (places, people, events...)
Ctrl-I -- Show Inventory
Second Life Shortcuts Cheatsheet
Don't forget to visit this link and download our free keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet. Print it and use it for quick reference:
3DXplorer Free Webinars For Business And Developers
Altadyn is hosting a series of 3DXplorer free webinars of two types: business and technical. They'll be in two possible languages: English and French.
They will take place on Tuesday afternoon. English webinars will be held starting at 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm US Central Time. French webinars will be held at 2:00 pm and 3:00pm Central European Time. The technical ones will be 40-45 minutes long, and the business ones will be 30 minutes long.
These webinars are only for qualified users, so to enter you must be a serious developer, professional worldbuilder, or someone wanting to improve his/her business with 3D presence. You must fill a form, and Altadyn will select those who match the requirements.
To attend a free weminar, you must fill the form of this page:
These are the topics covered in the technical webinar:
- 3:00 Introduction
- 3:05 How to create a world using the 3DX library
- 3:20 Importing objects and scenes
- 3:30 Enabling avatars and other scene attributes
- 3:40 Q/A
- 2:00 Introduction
- 2:05 What is "Meet in 3D" and how is it related to Web 3.0
- 2:10 Business Opportunities and Target Markets
- 2:20 3DXplorer Promotional Bundles and Partner Opportunities
- 2:30 Q/A
Extended information of the webinars is available here.
Upcoming Events For October
Virtual Worlds London In SL
Virtual Worlds London, that will be on 20-21 October 2008, will have a parallel event that consists in the following: the folks at Virtual London in SL are having a party in Real London, Social in The Greyhound, Kensington, London, 6pm onwards, Sunday 19th October ‘08, the night before Virtual Worlds London.
There will be another meeting in Second Life. Read the details in Myr.
Film Festival In Multiverse Places
More parallel events. From Here to Awesome, an independent film festival, will be showing at New York City's Times Square Art Center from October 22-24. At the same time, 7 of those films will be shown in Multiverse Places. See this video that shows this virtual world:
Web3D Consortium Upcoming Events
There are two upcoming events, for October and December.
Location: Munich, Germany
The leading Business-to-Business trade show for IT, Media and Communications. One of the attenders will be Bitmanagement and will organize X3D/VRML technology demonstrations in Area B1, Booth 325-12.
More info.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2008
Location: Singapore
The first ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 will feature creative, scientific, and educational work that provokes thought, explores ideas in innovative ways, addresses contemporary issues, interactively engages viewers in discovery, and stimulates their intellect and imagination.
Visit their official SIGGRAPH Asia website.
Netbeans 10th Birthday Celebration
Hiperia3D News is a Netbeans Community Partner, in recognition for developing the X3DV Module Suite and contributing to the promotion of Netbeans.
So it's an honor for me to announce that Netbeans celebrates its 10th birthday. They will highlight some of the key initiatives and individuals whose contributions and dedication have kept the NetBeans momentum going strong. There will be unique content—video greetings, community profiles and more— starting October 20 - 27.
Also, in the NetBeans Decathlon there will be ten interactive activities that let NetBeans users show and share what the NetBeans project means to them. Participants will be entered to win a cool limited edition NetBeans T-shirt. Stay tuned for details of the Decathlon and the official birthday kickoff.
Remember that the Netbeans World Tour is also going, and you can look at the dates and places here, to see which is closer to you.
News: A Bot Interview, AvaStar Says Goodbye, Kambi Engine, And Lucky Luke
Intelligent Bot
Elbot, brainchild of Fred Roberts at Artificial Solutions in Germany, won the Loebner Prize for artificial intelligence that is awarded to the chatbot that shows more conversational skills. The winer is the bot that is more easily confused with an human.

Read an interview with the bot here, published in New Scientist Tech. Discovered through Gaby Benkwitz.
The AvaStar Disappears
The AvaStar says goodbye, and this is very bad news for many Second Life users and evryone interested in virtual worlds. I'm sorry of having to give this news. The reason, following AvaStar, is that they have accomplished their mission. Anyway, go there and tell them how you appreciated their site.
3DXplorer Worlds
The Official 3DXplorer Blog has published two articles in which they link to worlds that you may enjoy visiting:
- Lucky Luke's Village built in 3DXplorer.
- Taj Mahal and others.
Kambi VRML Game Engine
Kambi VRML Game Engine has reached version 1.5 and the new improvements include KambiScript, a simple scripting language, invented specially for this engine. It's powerful enough for many tasks, you can process all VRML and X3D data types with it (including vectors, matrices, arrays, images).
Eight 3D Applications
MakeHuman: Make human models with ease. Pose them and modify all their parts. A free tool. Exports to COLLADA and OBJ.
Room Arranger: This affordable tool became very popular because it can export as VRML so you can design a floor plan of a room and navigate it in 3D.
Web3D Translators: Translation tools for converting between VRML and X3D formats.
Read The Words: Free web application that reads the text document that you upload with a 3D avatar in video. Good VR for people with disabilities.
Wirefusion: Complete commercial solution for X3D and VRML that can export your work as a java applet. It can also optimize CAD models.
Virtual Flower: Make random flowers and see them grow. The models are exportable as VRML.
HVRC LOD Tool: Application that will assist you in the task of creating VRML LOD levels (level of detail at a certain distance of the object).
VRML Toolbox: Unfortunately, VapourTechnologies has disappeared, but the tools they made for VRML are still alive: Dizzy, an axis-angle rotation calculator; Peek, a Viewpoint node calculator; Twister, a calculator for Euler to axis-angle rotation conversion; and SpinDoctor, a general-purpose 3D vector/rotation calculator.
What is Stereoscopic Vision?
Stereoscopic vision is what we, as animals with two eyes, have.
If you were a cyclops, you won't have stereoscopic vision. What it would mean to you? That you may be unable to perceive depth. You would miss the z coordinate, and only x and y would exist for your only big eye.
So now that you feel much happier because you're not a cyclops (in case you aren't), you can expand your knowledge on stereoscopic vision reading the definition of Wikipedia on this, but basically it's what I've told you. is a website dedicated to stereoscopic images (photos mainly). 3Dme is another one, that contains many resources to get deeper in this matter.
The most cheesy devices used for achieving 3D video are the horrible two colored glasses that most of us used when watching 3D movies that appear on TV. Yes, those glasses made of cellophane and cardboard.
Some others are more sophisticated, and look like normal sunglasses but if you take them on, when using an special projector, you can watch virtual worlds, games, and videos in real 3D. You notice it because if you move, you see objects with depth, like if they had real volume.
The most affordable device I found for something similar is done by one of our sponsors, eDimensional:
Interview: Bruce Lehmann, Founder of WBandD
Bruce Lehmann is the Founder and Administrator of WBandD (which I co-administer with him), a community for worldbuilders that is focused on VRML and X3D, but also welcomes any other platform. Is a good start point for those who don't know VRML/X3D, and an excellent meeting place for the expert ones.
- What motivated you to create WBandD?
- With the Outers (The Blaxxun Free Server) going down and possibly not coming back, and the advent of new multi-user ideas I felt it was a way for those of us who build, develop or just plain interested in VRML and X3D to be able to keep track of each other and to share worlds and ideas.
- What can worldbuilders find if they join to WBandD?
- Most anything they want. There are links to worlds, discussions, blogs, and I hope, as it grows, to be able to add anything anyone asks for. I have another site that reviews modeling software related to VRML and I am considering updating elements of it and adding it to the site.
- What are the main problems that worldbuilders are more worried about nowadays?
- Protection of content. Most of the people I know, including myself, are willing to share ideas and even files to help others learn. But, there is always the threat of others stealing content that is not theirs or using content without giving the creators proper acknowledgment. The fair balance of that is a big issue. Also to some, a way to showcase their creations or test out new ideas.
- Why did you choose VRML/X3D as main platform for the community?
- Simply, it is the platform I, and the others on the site work in. I am a member of other forums and sites that are related to 3D and virtual reality, but they by their nature are broad-scoped and VRML/X3D seems to get shoved to the side. Right now there is a large interest in 3D and Virtual Worlds and I didn’t want one of the original platforms to get lost in the shuffle.

- What do you think that the community of builders in VRML/X3D needs more nowadays?
- An outlet or platform to share their worlds and creations. It used to be done using the Blaxxun Developer server. But it has since gone down, and might not be available anymore. And, of course ways to communicate ideas and concepts with others.
- What are the virtues of VRML/X3D for building 3d worlds compared to other systems?
- Open standards to begin with. Ease of use. It is a fairly easy to learn method when compared to some of the other platforms. It is a friendly format, meaning that it is a fairly common saving/exporting convention in most 3D modeling programs, which means that you’re not locked into a proprietary format or in-world building. I personally prefer to create in my program of choice and then make it usable in a virtual environment. VRML and X3D make this much easier than the others. And as an ISO Standard, it has support and specification availability.
- In a world where new technologies and virtual worlds emerge constantly, what do you think that VRML/X3D worldbuilders should do with priority?
- Investigate and support new platforms that are utilizing this platform. There is a lot of untapped knowledge and talent out there and, when used properly and fairly, would tremendously enhance some of the emerging ideas.
- Is VRML dead?
- Depends on who is claiming it is and what they are offering in its place. I list four active VRML based communities on WBandD. There is a new community that has recently come on-line, and another that is planning to re-open soon. Granted, they are not as active as they have been in the past. The fact is, they are still on-line and being used. VRML in itself has evolved into X3D and is being widely utilized. It is not the major player anymore, but it is certainly not dead yet. There are new ideas that use this platform coming up as we speak. Some of the other platforms appear to be the “de-facto” king of virtual technology merely by their own claims and sheer numbers.
- In your opinion, what were the mistakes that the VRML community did in the past that made the adoption of this technology lesser than expected?
- Some have not grown with the changing times. Communities need to be dynamic in order to grow and improve. Especially when new platforms come out that are better looking and provide a richer experience. There are, however, some communities that are now offering new ideas, more freedom to build/upload worlds and objects, in-community movies, radio, etc. The thing to remember is that there are people out there that merely want to experience virtual worlds and chat or interact in them. They have little interest in how it works or why, but merely want to go and enjoy it. These are the people who will make or break your platform as far as popularity goes. Also, the apparent dis-interest exhibited by some of the companies that used to provide server software, etc utilizing this platform has given rise to the idea that this is a “dead” issue.
- And what can do the X3D community of users and developers to get a deeper diffusion?
- Get actively involved in the new platforms coming up. Either by using them or contributing to their content. There are people that are skilled in server development, and others that excel in content creation. Part of providing WBandD is to help them keep in contact with each other.
- Do you think that the community of worldbuilders is enough united or organized?
- Hard to answer. Would depend on what they are organizing for. There are issues that they should be united on. And we should stay connected in order to exchange ideas
- What are your medium and long term aims for WBandD?
- To have the site available to all who want to utilize it. Where it goes and how it grows depends on the members who participate in it. Also, if the right platforms come out, it could be a centralized location to share and visit the worlds we create. As long as people wish to use it, I am happy to provide it.
New X3D Courses: Videos, Slides And Examples
The new X3D video courses that illustrate the techniques of the book "X3D: Extensible 3D Graphics For Web Authors" have been announced on Web3D Consortium and Len Bullard's site.
These videos are free for you to see and are a support material for the book.
There are other materials like slides and examples.
Renderosity's Carnival Of Evil Contest
Only 5 days last for the end of Carnival Of Evil contest. It's a Halloween terror design contest, and you can submit to one of the following categories:
- 3D/Animation
- 2D/Photography
- Writing
The 3D/Animation contest has prizes that consist in 3D software packages that are really valuable and professional tools. See it here.
I'll keep posting valuable contests that are available in Renderosity, our new sponsor. Renderosity is a 3D site that offers you services to sell your 3D and 2D art and resources to earn money from them, and buy quality products that can be used in your commercial or personal works. It has also a huge community of users, forums, and many resources.
Second Open House Meeting In The AVW Headquarters
A message to all members of Association of Virtual Worlds has arrived and says that they will be holding a second open house at the AVW's virtual headquarters.
You can enter the headquarters through the image in Hiperia3D News' sidebar, that links to:
It will be this Friday, October 10, from 9:00 am until 12:00 US Eastern time. To see your local time, use this useful time conversion tool. It is GMT 14:00 to 17:00 in GMT, and in European Central Time (Paris) it's 16:00 to 20:00.
You can access the virtual headquarters at too.
Francesco D'Orazio's Myrl On BBC News
Myrl has been featured on BBC News, in the coverage that this important channel gave to Virtual Worlds Forum in London.
Francesco D'Orazio introduces the features of Myrl to the worldwide audience of BBC in the video that you can watch here:
Vote Your Favorite Machinima Second Life Movie
I discovered through Myrl this Machinima contest of videos from Second Life, in which you can vote your favorite.
See the news at Myrl, and don't forget to myrl it:
2 Second Life Contests: Win A Castle Or A Book!
Steampunk Contest
Koinup organizes this contest that consists in that you, as citizen of Second Life, send a photo until October 16, that has Steampunk as main style. Visit the contest here.
The winners will be announced on October 25th here and on the Koinup Blog.
See the latest entries to have a better idea of what kind of things are being sent.
There will be three winners that will get a "Skye Steampunk Castle" supplied by Alex Bader of Skye Estates, and is valued at 15,000 L$ over at SlExchange. Read more here.

Get A Building Guide For Second Life
Metaverse Journal organizes this other contest (see it here), in which you can win a copy of Second Life Building Guide, that is a 120-page book on content creation in Second Life, edited by Killer Guides.
To have a chance to win it, you just have to post a comment at the bottom of this review on what you’d like to build in Second Life if you won the guide. You need to provide a valid email address, so they can identify you as winner.
The winner will be selected at random between the people that comment, and the contest ends at midnight (AEST) on Sunday 12th October. Winners can expect to receive their prize within five working days or so after that.
In this moment, there are only 17 comments, so hurry up!
The Annotated VRML Reference 2.0 Manual
I was given this book as a birthday gift. You may ask why buying a VRML book, now that we are starting using X3D, and X3D is the future.
The reason is that X3D in classical VRML encoding (.x3dv files) are almost the same as VRML. So this book tips and tricks are useful for X3D coders too (And still many people use VRML, in addition).

To see what the book is, you can browse its online version here:
You will see that it is the VRML Reference, that is always useful for programming in VRML. I use it constantly to see the default values of nodes, their type, etc. Sometimes, when I didn't know how to do something, I had a look to this book to get new ways to do it.
Then comes the second question... why have I bought the printed book? Because reading a book on the screen is very uncomfortable, as it harms the eyes. Having it printed allows you to take it everywhere and read it where you like.
The book is available in Amazon, that's where mine was. I live in Europe and the book came from the USA, so I was expecting that it would arrive 8 weeks later, but was in my house only 1 week after shipped. Anyway, the usual time is 1 month for international shipping.
In Amazon there are many interesting books like this. In many of them, there is the option to buy them new or almost new but used. The used books are usually in good conditions.
Some books, like this one, are also eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
I have purchased some things from Amazon, and I liked the service. That's why I decided to make an Amazon Store for Hiperia3D (the link to it is the sidebar too). There, I use to put the articles I find interesting for people like us.
This book comes with a CD that contains all the online version of the book, so if you get it you get both the printed book and a copy of the online version. I think I did a good deal when I got it, so I recommend it to you all.
Interview: Mark Hull, Vice President Of Product Management Of Vivaty
Mark Hull is the Vice-President of Products at Vivaty. He ran more than a dozen businesses at Yahoo! (including Groups, Photos and Personals), and also ran product management and marketing at iWin and MerchantCircle.
On his previous interview here, he introduced us to Vivaty Studio and Vivaty Create. The winners of Vivaty Create will be announced before October 13 2008.
In the last times we've assisted to some strange movements of companies to populate their online 3D catalog models without the prior consent of worldbuilders. Vivaty is the opposite: the example of something done right, respecting their rights.
Many of the worldbuilders that have works on VRML or X3D can recycle them and take part in the new developer's program of Vivaty (Vivaty Create).
Your participation can be rewarded with prizes and being showcased in their site as a 3D artist.
They also updated their legal terms, and you just give them a non-exclusive right to use the submitted models, so you don't loose your property and you can still send your models to other contests.

- Are you going to run another developer program after this one ends?
- We aren’t thinking of this as a series of programs. It’s an ongoing dialog with developers. We had to start somewhere, so we started first by asking for feedback and holding a contest. We could only open our contest to US creators for this round (legal hurdles are pretty scary to open contests worldwide), and we know that’s been a challenge for some. But we want to encourage everyone to send us content- if it’s good, we’ll feature it in Vivaty Scenes! It doesn’t matter where you’re from.
- In what direction will Vivaty go in the future: entertainment, business, games, private networking?
- We are wholly focused on consumer virtual experiences on the web. That could take many forms in the future- if web users want it, we’ll do it.
- Vivaty is now embeddable inside Facebook and AIM. How will you extend your presence in Internet in the future?
- We are eager to make scenes embeddable on every URL on the web and we’re open to any type of integration as long as it’s reaching more web users. Facebook and AIM have been great for integrating into a user’s existing social graph and providing a deeper, more engaging experience than you can have on those platforms in 2D.
- What advantages of Vivaty that make it unique would you highlight?
- A few things…We’re taking a distributed approach to virtual experiences, meaning we don’t want to re-create your friends list or your 2D experience. We want to weave naturally and authentically into what you already know and love.
We’re extremely flexible to the wants and needs of both consumers and brands. We’re web-based and working in an agile development environment, so if someone asks us “can you do this?”, the answer is usually yes…
On the product side, we started with self-expression and we’re now releasing features to make our experience more social, interactive and fun. Recent features like dancing, pets, gifting, avatar customization are just the beginning. We know we have a long ways to go but these are the building blocks for what’s to come.

- Recently, you have added virtual dogs and more than 200 avatar customizations. What other content improvements are coming next?
- We just added Firefox 3 support, dancing and gifting. More gestures like “sits” and clothing options are coming, as well as more emphasis on social hangouts to experience together.
- What are the medium and long term aims for Vivaty?
-We want to define the immersive web… and be the best web-based virtual experience out there.